Cá em casa, estes brownies desaparecem num ápice.
Esta receita é uma (pequena) modificação da do livro de receitas base. Acrescentámos chocolate.
Esta receita é uma (pequena) modificação da do livro de receitas base. Acrescentámos chocolate.
150 g nozes
200 g chocolate p/ culinária
100 g manteiga à temperatura ambiente
150 g açúcar
2 ovos
70 g farinha
1 c. chá de fermento em pó p/ bolos
1 pitada de sal
Pré-aqueça o forno a 180º C.
Coloque no copo as nozes e programe 4 seg/vel 4. Retire e reserve.
Coloque o chocolate partido no copo, dê 5 golpes de Turbo. Programe 6 seg/vel 9. Retire e reserve.
Coloque a “borboleta”, a manteiga, o açúcar, os ovos e programe 5 min/37ºC/vel 3.
Junte o chocolate reservado, a farinha, o fermento, o sal e misture 6 seg/vel 3.
Retire a “borboleta”, junte as nozes reservadas e misture bem com a ajuda da espátula, até que a mistura esteja toda homogénea.
Unte uma forma rectangular com manteiga, polvilhe com farinha, deite a mistura e leve ao forno cerca de 20 minutos, ou até que o palito saia limpo.
Desenforme e corte ainda quente em quadrados. (Quando arrefecer polvilhe com açúcar em pó.)
Chocolate brownie
A chocolate brownie is a flat, baked square or bar developed in the United States at the end of the 19th century and popularized in both the U.S. and Canada during the first half of the 20th century. The brownie is a cross between a cake and a cookie in texture.[1] Brownies come in a variety of forms. They are either fudgy or cakey, depending on their density, and they may include nuts, frosting, whipped cream, chocolate chips, or other ingredients. A variation that is made with brown sugar and no chocolate is called a blondie.
A chef at Chicago's Palmer House Hotel[3] created the confection after Bertha Palmer requested a dessert for ladies attending the fair; it should be, she said, smaller than a piece of cake, though still retaining cake-like characteristics and easily eaten from boxed lunches. These first brownies featured an apricot glaze and walnuts, and they are still being made at the hotel according to the original recipe.[4]
Brownies are common lunchbox fare, typically eaten by hand, and often accompanied by milk or coffee. They are sometimes served warm with ice cream (à la mode), topped with whipped cream or marzipan, or sprinkled with powdered sugar. They are especially popular in restaurants, where they can be found in variation on many dessert menus.[2]
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